The Music College for Girls at Ánanda Nagar
In early 2000, Ánanda Márga Gurukula (AMGK) sent its team of two sister-architects Purnadevi (Turkey) and Iishika’ (now Avadhutika Ánanda Advaeta from Netherlands and currently working in Brazil) to design the building of Music College for Girls. After innumerable obstacles, they successfully completed the College Building, which is now called by the local-villagers as Hawa-Mahal (Airy Palace). The building is a testimony of what can be done aesthetically at Ánanda Nagar. We hope that all other institutions at Ánanda Nagar & Master Units around the world will learn from the Music College experience. Currently, AMGK Music College for girls is teaching Prabháta Saḿgiita, dance forms and other trainings in ragas to local girl-students. Didi Ánanda Gayatriji who has been the Principal of this College since its inception also provides training to play different musical instruments personally. Kulapati of AMGK recently visited the institution and remarked “ Music College for Girls “ at Ánanda Nagar has a very bright future and has the potential to impart short-term courses for overseas girl-students also at this site.
AMGK is keen to nurture subtle taste, sublimity, deeper sensitivity and unfathomable love through its institutions like Music College and Teachers Training College. We appeal to one and all to help AMGK to spearhead a new culture of progress, discipline, tolerance and magnanimity.