Village Schools (ANVS)


Ananda Nagar (AN) is situated at District Purulia (WB), which is very close to Ranchi and Bokaro city in Jharkhanda, India. Though it is the Central Global headquarters of Ananda Marga, it is one of the most backward and tribal areas in India and even in the entire world. This place is the oldest land on the earth and the birthplace of human civilization. There are about 52 villages around Ananda Nagar. The local villagers are very simple and honest; yet they are extremely poor and most of them are illiterate and cannot effort their livelihood. There is no local school, hospital, or even proper road, etc. Under this kind of condition, the village children cannot go to school and become child labors at very young age.

Ánanda Nagar was founded sometime in 1963; Baba gave the plan to open schools there and to provide free education to all the local people in remote villages. The first Ananda Marga School was opened in 1964, and now there are many different institutions and projects are going on, such as free education for all, village schools project, thousands of students are getting benefited. Others like high school, collage, children home, hostels, hospitals, girls’ music college, farms, etc is also gradually built up. Output is a tangible reality of sustainable rural development.

Since 1995, the SS of Hong Kong Sector started the “Ananda Nagar Village Schools (ANVS) Project”. Up to now there are 17 elementary schools, 39 teachers, and more than 1,000 students benefitted by this project. In 36 villages, 560 families benefit from this project in total. There are more schools and higher education institution, which has been somehow established in central AN.

Amongst 17 schools, 10 of them have their own buildings, though they are not in a very good condition and were all constructed in a very simple way. There are no doors or windows, not to mention no lights, no blackboards, any chairs or desks, and students have to sit on the mats to study. 5 schools are in the place of others house in small places just for temporary use, the other 2 schools are running in open sky. The teachers have to give classes under the trees. If there is rain or any natural disaster, the school will be forced to close. There much needs to open more school in village area for poor children to give free education, so there are planning to open more eight new schools soon in near future.


  • It provides free education.
  • It helps the students to develop the habit of going to school and studying.
  • It gives the kids a blueprint of life.
  • It inspires the students to live a better life and even to serve the society.
  • It will give scope to every child to build its career in nice way to establish true Neo-Human- Society.

Future Plan

  • To maintain the regular expenses.
  • To lengthen students’ school hour at school.
  • To give teachers’ bonus and increase the salary for enough to support their family.
  • To maintain the school buildings and improve the facilities. Such as Doors, Window, light, black board, furniture’s, chair and table etc.
  • To hold games and sports event every 6 month.
  • To open more schools for students and expand the project.


The Total Minimum Budget for one year is US$ 16,060 (963,600 Rupees). The donations are paid for regular expenses:

  •  Teachers’ salary. Per Teacher is US$ 25 monthly. US$ 11,700 yearly for 39 teachers in 17 schools now Jan 2014.
  • Office , Administration, Miscellaneous, Newsletter for ANVS and AN, etc. US$ 2,160 yearly.
  • Annual functions like Sports and games, Arts, Acting, celebration for Prabhat Samgiita Day, etc.. US$ 2,200 yearly.
  • Note: 1. Above budget is without any maintenance and any new development and construction.  2. Budget for future development and others are under calculation. 3. The main donors is Ananda Marga Foundation, Taiwan since 1995 and some private donors has been helping also regularly. Present donations are not enough to pay yearly budget. It’s hardly covering half of it.

How to donate

We suggest you can donate by supporting schools in long term. For example:

  • You can donate US$ 50 for two teachers salary each month .You can donate US$ 100 for a school.
  • Any kind of donation is appreciated and meaningful to the project.
  • You can donate education materials, summer and winter gifts for the teachers and students; in that case if you can help the mailing cost, will be appreciated.
  • You can donate for different school’s renovation and construction; Budget can be given to you as soon as per your request. Thank you!
  • Your contribution to the education of the children of Ánanda Nagar is most welcome!

Ways to donate

1-   Post office remittance

Account: 31052040

Account Name: Ananda Marga Social Wel­fare Foundation

Please specify—“Ananda Nagar Village Schools Project (ANVS)”

2-   Credit card contributions, please go website:


Ananda Marga Social Wel­fare Foundation , No 99-1 , Ding Jou Road , Section 4, Taipei , Taiwan. T: +886 02-29333035/36/24, F: +886 02-22303406, E mail : Lokatiita’ +886 0976-210-993,

For more details. Please see website:

Visit here for more details on each Village’s School