A pioneering spiritual outlook for a human society that behaves like a family.
Ánanda Márga is socio-spiritual movement that knows no geographical or cultural boundaries because it is based on a Universalist way of life that fits every human being’s deepest aspirations.
Starting from a small Indian town in 1955, Ánanda Márga has expanded to every continent of the world on the wings of a true ideal: humanity is one and indivisible. Such forceful realization stands tall and never fails to inspire both the dedicated members of its monastic order as well as its lay members, to expose the baselessness of the many artificial divisions that have plagued human society from its birth till today.
Ánanda Márga believes in adopting a subjective approach through objective adjustment, a sort of individual flexibility that allows people to satisfactorily resolve worldly needs without ever needing to sacrifice their higher spiritual aspirations.
“Ánanda” is a Sanskrit word that can be translated as “bliss”, and bliss is a sort of happiness that is born of inner peace. That is why the path (in Sanskrit “marga”) to such blissful life depends on doing both inner work, that is, changing/elevating oneself, while at the same time sharing one’s time, mind and energy with those who need a helping hand.
Ánanda Márgasees Consciousness as the originator and ultimate goal of this creation, and promotes both the self-realizations of every individual through intuitional practices, and the liberation of society from its many ills through individual and collective selfless service inspired by a neo-humanism.