Teacher’s Training College

Ánanda Márga Gurukula Teachers Training College at Ánanda Nagar

Teacher's Training College under construction

Teacher’s Training College under construction

When Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji founded Ánanda Márga Gurukula(AMGK) in 1990, he directed that all the 1000+ schools under the supervision of Ánanda Márga Board of Education (AMBE) be brought under the direct academic supervision of Ánanda Márga Gurukula. A new body called “Ánanda Márga Gurukula” replaced the AMBE. In addition, AMGK was placed in a special position to guide the establishment of a University-style Campus at Ánanda Nagar and was given the mandate to ”serve humanity with a neo-humanist spirit and to acquire knowledge for the purpose”.

Currently, AMGK provides guidance to over 1200 schools in different continents of the world. The AMGK Teachers Training College (TTC) at Ánanda Nagar is being developed to serve as the feeder of teachers for this remarkable & powerful neo-humanist education movement. Many international education experts have lent their support to this new college, which will have recognition from University Grants Commission of the Government of India.

This TTC will feature a digital library, on-line courses, yearly NHE education summit & a host of seminars on different aspects of neohumanist education. Dr. Ácharya Shambhushivananda Avadhuta, Kulapati (Chancellor) of AMGK is also lending his personal support to upgrade the ranking of this institution and bring it to an international  standard. Ácharya Svarupananda Avadhuta is the current Mahasachiv (General Secretary) of AMGK and welcomes further support to help build up TTC facilities.